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Oreostemma alpigenum

Alpine Aster

Alpine Aster
aka Aster alpigenus, Mountain Aster. The size of the striking Alpine Aster flowerheads almost catches you off guard. While most flowers in the higher elevations are quite small those of O. alpigenum are up to 1.5″ (4 cm) across. They are solitary with only one flower per stem which can range in height from 2″ – 16″. Many bright yellow-orange disk flowers are surrounded by 15 – 40 lavender rays. The basal leaves are narrow and lance-shaped to linear. Usually found on rocky slopes between 5,000′ to 8,000′ elevation.


Asteraceae - SUNFLOWER FAMILY, ASTER FAMILY (Compositae)


Oreostemma from Greek oros 'mountain' and stemma 'a crown or garland'


alpigenum for 'alpine'
Photo location: Mt. Fremont trail and rock outcropping at the lookout, along WLT west of Frozen Lake.