Lupinus lepidus
Alpine Lupine

aka Dwarf Lupine, Low Mountain Lupine, Lupinus Lyallii. Of the four varieties of L. lepidus in Washington State’s flora this is var. lobbii. Small, silvery and spectacular! Only 1″ – 4″ (3 – 13 cm) tall the L. lepidus forms fairly large mats on barren ground. All parts of the plant are silky-silvered with long flattened hairs. The leaflets are folded like a ‘V’ perhaps to funnel water to the roots. Although the petals are deep blue the upper petal, called the banner, has a bright white ‘eye’ in its center. Occasionally seen in a white variety. Found on rocky ridges, talus and scree slopes and on pumice flats above 7,000′ elevation.
Fabaceae - PEA FAMILY
Lupinus derived from lupus 'wolf' in reference to devouring the soil
lepidus meaning 'surround leaf'