Pectiantia pentandra

Alpine Mitrewort

Alpine Mitrewort
aka Mitella pentandra, Five-stamen Mitrewort, Five-stamen Bishop’s Cap. All of Rainier’s Mitreworts have five stamens so P. pentandra is not unique in that regard. What appears to be a stem full of spiders or tiny flying saucers with multiple antenna are actually tiny, 1/4″ (3 – 5 mm) broad, pentagon flowers with five petals (opposite the stamens). Stems rise 4 – 12″ and the leaves are more heart-shaped than Brewerimitella breweri, longer than broad and up to 2+” long. Despite the name it is not an alpine plant and is found between 3,000′ and 5,500′ elevation in moist open woods.


Saxifragaceae - SAXIFRAGE FAMILY


Pectiantia from Latin pecten or pectinis 'a comb' and anti 'opposite, opposing, set against'


pentandra means 'five anthers'
Photo location: Multiple locations including Paul Peak, Eastside, and Green Lake trails.