Allotropa virgata


aka Sugarstick, Barber’s Pole, Devil’s Wand. The genus name Allotropa for ‘other turn’ indicates that young flowers face upward, but older ones turn downward. Ranging from 6″ – 18 ” (15 – 45 cm) this distinctive red and white striped saprophyte, usually of the deep forest, requires virtually no sunlight, but there are exceptions as the photo alongside the road in open sunlight and gravely soils plainly shows. Uncommon, usually found in rich humus in coniferous forests within the forest zone, exceptions noted.


Ericaceae - HEATH FAMILY


Allotropa from Greek allos 'other' and tropos 'turn'


virgata is Latin meaning 'striped'
Photo location: From several locations inclluding the Little Ranger Peak trail, along the Paradise Road north of Longmire, Comet Falls trail and the Crystal Lakes trail.