Penstemon rupicola

Cliff Penstemon

Cliff Penstemon
aka Rock Penstemon, Cliff Beardtongue. A dazzling display of color against bare rock. P. rupicola forms dense shrubby mats not more than 6″ (15 cm) tall with evergreen leaves. The tubular flowers are 1″ – 1.5″ long and are brillant possessing almost a neon pink color. Woody branches have small, 1/3″ – 2/3″, leaves which are round or oval, leathery, glaucous and gray-green in color. Usually found on rock ledges and outcrops at between 5,000′ to 8,000′ elevation.


Plantaginaceae - PLANTAIN FAMILY


Penstemon from Greek pente 'five' and stemon 'thread' ref. to 5 stamens


rupicola means 'found growing on rocks or cliffs
Photo location: From two locations outside the park, Kelly Butte and Noble Knob, Burroughs Loop trail (south side of First Burroughs) and the west side of Naches Peak near the summit (last photo).