Pedicularis contorta

Coiled-beak Lousewort

Coiled-beak Lousewort
aka Coiled Lousewort, White-coiled Beak Lousewort, Parrot’s Beak. Curved and then twisted sideways near its tip P. contorta clearly deserves its name. A beak is a prolonged slender tip on a thicker part of the flower. The pale-yellow flowers, about 1/2″ (8 mm) branch off a loose spike which can be almost three-quarters of the plants height of 6″ – 18″. The basal leaves are fern-like. Commonly found in meadows between 5,000′ to 7,000′ elevation.


Orobanchaceae - BROOM-RAPE FAMILY


Pedicularis from Latin pediculus 'a louse' related to lice infestation


contorta means 'twisted'
Photo location: Berkeley Park near Lodi Creek and trail above Berkeley Park.