Aquilegia formosa
Crimson Columbine

aka Western Columbine, Red Columbine, Sitka Columbine. The common name, Columbine, comes from columba, a dove, in stark contrast to an eagle. One of the park’s “wow” flowers. The petal shape is unique; distinguished with five long straight reddish spurs with yellow nectar-swollen tips. Projecting downward are yellow blades and the stamens. The plant grows to 3′ (1 m). The Haida called it ‘red rain-flowers’ and their childern were told it would rain if they picked it. Common in moist areas above 2,500′ elevation.
Ranunculaceae - BUTTERCUP FAMILY
Aquilegia for aquila, ' eagle' referring to talon shape of the petal spurs
formosa means 'beautiful'!