Aconogonon davisiae
Davis' Knotweed

aka Polygonum newberryi, Newberry’s Knotweed, Newberry’s Fleeceflower. Probably not a candidate for inclusion in a book on showy flowers but upon close observation can be one of the real surprises in the subalpine and alpine zones. The greenish-white to pinkish flowers, only about 1/8″ (3 mm) long, tuck into the angle between the leaf and the stem. They have a delicate crepe-paper appearance. In fall the normally pale green leaves turn a bright red accentuating the contrast with the barren landscape. Usually found on rockly open slopes, talus, scree and semi-barren pumice between 6,000′ to 7,500′ elevation.
Aconogonon from Greek akonao 'to sharpen' plus gonia or gonos 'corner, or angle'
davisiae after Nancy Jane Davis (1833 - 1921) Pennsylvania teacher who collected in California