Anemone drummondii
Drummond's Anemone

aka Drummond’s Windflower, Alpine Anemone. This hardy tufted plant growing to 4″ – 10″ (12 – 25 cm) tall produces stunningly white flowers. The flowers are about 1″ across with a tinge of blue or green on the back of the sepals. The multiple basal leaves are short and much divided. All parts of the plant have fine wooly hairs. It is the Park’s high elevation anemone and while uncommon is found on stony ridges and crevices at between 5,000′ to 7,000′.
Ranunculaceae - BUTTERCUP FAMILY
Anemone is Greek anemos which means 'wind'
drummondii after Scottish botanist James Drummond (1851 - 1921)