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Bellis perennis

English Daisy

English Daisy
aka Lawn Daisy. A pretty weed but a weed nevertheless. One of 148 species of flora considered not native to the Park. Common in picnic areas perhaps as a result of being “imported” with grass seed. This classic daisy has one flowerhead per leafless stem raising 2 – 20 cm (up to 8″) tall. The bright yellow disk with radiating white rays provides a resemblance to the sun and the daisy is referred to as ‘day’s eye.’ Found at low elevations.


Asteraceae - SUNFLOWER FAMILY, ASTER FAMILY (Compositae)


Bellis from Latin bellus meaning 'pretty'


perennis refers to the perennial character of the plant
Photo location: Carbon River Rain Forest at the old Carbon River entrance and ranger station.