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Calypso bulbosa

Fairy Slipper

Fairy Slipper
aka Calypso Orchid, Venus Slipper, Lady’s Slipper. Come early and look hard and you may still be deprived of the pleasure of this spectacular tiny wonder. The plant featured here is just 4″ (10 cm) tall, although they grow to six inches. The “slipper” is an inflated petal with two horn-like projections under the toe. Each plant has only one egg-shaped leaf, 1 – 2″. Bulbosa refers to its underground bulb or corm (photo) which only grows with certain fungi. Rare in the Park, but if found is usually in rich humus of moist forest to 4,500′ elevation.


Orchidaceae- ORCHID FAMILY


Calypso for the goddess daughter of Atlas; means 'concealment'


bulbosa refers to the bulb-like corm
Photo location: From several locations including Paul Peak trail, Silver Falls loop trail, along South Tahoma Creek. Best seen in the early spring.