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Hydrophyllum fendleri

Fendler's Waterleaf

Fendler's Waterleaf
The stem of the H. fendleri is 8 – 12″ (20 -30 cm) tall with sharply pointed leaves which are white beneath. The flowers are in clusters at the tips of the stalks, are white and are up to a 1/2″ long. Five stamens protrude out substantially from the bell-shaped flower head. Prefers moist open places the upper forest zone and alpine meadows usually above 4,000′ elevation.


Hydrophyllaceae - WATERLEAF FAMILY


Hydrophyllum for Latin hydro, 'water', and phyllos, 'leaf'


fendleri after Augustus Fendler (1813 - 1883), botanical collector
Photo location: Ipsut Pass and Comet Falls trails.