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Veratrum viride

Green False Hellebore

Green False Hellebore
aka Corn Lily, Indian Hellebore, Indian Poke. One can pass this large plant for years and never realize the beauty of the small star-shaped flowers clustered in the dropping tassels. Perhaps because its color fails to set it apart from the large green stems raising to 6′ (2m) or the large corn-like oblong leaves which reach 12″. Indians referred to it as ‘skookum’ root meaning ‘strong, powerful’ for it is one of the most violently piosonous plants in the Northwest. Usually found along streambanks, wet meadows from between 5,000′ to 7,000′ elevation.


Liliaceae - LILY FAMILY


Veratrum for vera 'truth' and atrum 'black' thought to mean black roots


viride means 'green'
Photo location: From multiple locations including the Mazama Ridge Trail, near Paradise, Berkeley Park, Palisades Lakes Trail (including Brown Peak) and Silver Forest Trail at Sunrise.