Symphyotrichum foliaceum
Leafy-bracted Aster

aka Leafy Aster, Cusick’s Aster, Alpine Leafybract Aster, Kootenai Aster, Henderson’s Aster, Parry’s Aster, Aster cusickii, etc. Few plants have as many common and scientifc names as S. foliaceum. Originally named Aster cusickii by Asa Gray of the Harvard Herbarium after pioneer Oregon botanist William Cusick. The “leafy” in its name does not refer to stem leaves but rather the extended and unusally distinct ‘bracts’ beneath the flowerhead. A yellow disk surrounded by 15 – 60 violet ray flowers make up the singular flat-topped flowerhead atop a stem rising 8 – 24″ (20 -60 cm). Found in subalpine meadows. Note: The photos here in full bloom (violet ray flowers) may not be S. foliaceum but rather Erigeron glacialis since the photos don’t clearly show the extended bracts.
Asteraceae - SUNFLOWER FAMILY, ASTER FAMILY (Compositae)
Symphyotrichum from Greek sympysis for 'borne together or growing together' and trichos or trichinos for 'hair, a single hair'
foliaceaum or foliaceus for 'leafy'