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Chimaphila menziesii

Little Pipsissewa

Little Pipsissewa
aka Little Prince’s Pine. Smaller and much less common than its relative C. umbellata with stems only 3 – 6″ (8 – 15 cm) tall. An evergreen thus the genus name. Its leaves are lance-shaped and only 1 – 2″ long. The common name is an adaptation of the Cree name pipisisikweu meaning ‘it breaks into small pieces’ because the leaves were thought to help dissolve kidney stones. A real delight to come across usually in open coniferous woods below 4,000′ elevation.


Ericaceae - HEATH FAMILY


Chimaphila from Greek cheima, 'winter weather' and phelein, 'to love'


menziesii after Archibald Menzies (1754-1842), naval surgeon
Photo location: Glacier Basin trail and WLT/Nickel Creek.