Lysimachia latifolia

Pacific Starflower

Pacific Starflower
aka Trientalis latifolia, Trientalis borealis, Western Starflower, Broad-leaved Starflower, Indian Potato. This very showy flower appears suspended in space due to its minute stalk. The flowers, about 1/2″ (10 – 15 mm) wide, form stars which usually have six or seven petals but can have as many as nine. The five to eight broad leaves from a whorl from which the tiny stem(s) emerge. Fairly common (although not always easy to see) in open forests to 4,500′ elevation.




Lysimachia for Lysimachus, a Macedonian general, one of the successors of Alexander the Great


latifolia means 'broad-leaved'
Photo location: Along Rampart Ridge and Paul Peak trails.