Pterospora andromedea


aka Woodland Pinedrops. The tallest saprophyte in the Park with reddish-brown stems raising to over 3′ (90 cm) tall. The urn-shaped flowers are thought to resemble drops of resin from pines and are no more than 3/8″ long; 40 -60 cluster on the upper half of the stem. Usually found in deep humus soil of coniferous forest, particularly under Hemlock and Yellow Pine. Found at lower elevations to 3,500′.


Ericaceae - HEATH FAMILY


Pterospora from Greek pteron 'a wing' and sporos 'seed'


andromedea refers to Andromeda, rescued by Perseus in Greek legend
Photo location: Along the WLT in two locations, near Longmire and between the Summerland trailhead and White River campgrounds.