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Arctostaphylos columbiana

Pinemat Manzanita

Pinemat Manzanita
aka Arctostraphylos nevadensis, Bristly Manzanita. A erect or spreading shrub 12′ – 36″ (1 – 3 m) with white flowers in bunches (very short racemes). To the untrained eye this can be easily confused with Kinnikinnick, A. uva-ursi, a key difference being a feature of the leaf; the columbiana is pointed at the tip whereas A. uva-ursi is rounded. Kinninikinnick’s can also be pinkish as well as white. Found on rocky slopes and dry woods at 2,500′ – 6,000′ elevation.


Ericaceae - HEATH FAMILY


Arctostaphylos from Greek arktos 'bear' and staphule 'a bunch of grapes'


columbiana for western North America
Photo location: Rampart Ridge trail near Longmire.