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Monotropa hypopitys


aka Many-flowered Indian Pipe. Another saprophyte the fleshy looking plant grows to 10″ (25 cm) and droop to one side where up to twenty yellow-pinkish flowers cluster. The petals are normally no more than 3/4″ long. The common name refers to their growth under pines where they ‘sap’ their juices and the color resembles congealed resin. Usually found in humus of conferious forests below 4,500′ elevation.


Ericaceae - HEATH FAMILY


Monotropa means 'one direction'


hypopitys from Greek hypo 'beneath' and pitys 'a pine tree'
Photo location: From several locations in highly wooded areas including Eastside trial near Chinook Creek, WLT south of White River campgrounds, Rampart Ridge, and Mowich Lake Road at Mountain Meadows.