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Pedicularis racemosa

Sickletop Lousewort

Sickletop Lousewort
aka Ram’s-horn Lousewort, Leafy Lousewort. Remarkably twisted the pinkish, sometimes whitish, flowers are about 1/2″ (13 cm) and occur in twos and threes in an open raceme. The flower’s upper lip is hooked like a bird’s claw and appears off-centered giving a disorganized or asymmetric appearance. The narrow lanceolate saw-toothed leaves, 1″ – 3″ long, appear all along the stem, but interestingly are larger toward the top. Usually found in meadows and open woods at between 3,000′ to 6,000′ elevation.


Orobanchaceae - BROOM-RAPE FAMILY


Pedicularis from Latin pediculus 'a louse' related to lice infestation


racemosa means in a 'raceme' (flowers in a stalked cluster)
Photo location: From several locations including Naches Loop Trail, Glacier Basin Trail and Mazama Ridge.