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Collinisia parviflora

Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary

Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary
aka Maiden Blue-eyed Mary. A dainty annual flower which may be only 1/8″ (3 mm) wide and 1/4″ long. The pronounced low lip is deep blue contrasting with the white upper lip. Easy to overlook the normally erect stem can grow to 16″. The ‘Mary’ in the common name likely refers to the mother of Jesus. Its larger cousin, C. grandiflora, is not included in Rainier’s flora. Common in a variety of conditions to as high as 6,500′ elevation.


Plantaginaceae - PLANTAIN FAMILY


Collinisia after Zacheus Collins, 1764 - 1831, early American botanist


parviflora means 'small-flowered'
Photo location: From one location along the Eastside trail approx. 0.60 mi. north of the Stevens Canyon entrance, approx. 2,150′ elev.