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Smelowskia americana


aka Smelowskia calycina, Alpine Smelowskia, Siberian Smelowskia. There are two species of Smelowskia in the Park: S. americana>/i> with petals of 3/8″ – 5/8″ (4 – 8 mm) and Small-fruit Smelowskia, S. ovalis, with smaller petals (4 – 5 mm) which is more common and could well be the species shown here. Both form low cushion mats with tufted stems which are 2″ – 10″ tall. In tight clusters the small flowers (1/4″) have four petals and their sepals fall off shortly after they bloom, hence the species name. Found on talus slopes and rocky flats at between 6,000′ to 10,000′ elevation.


Brassicaceae - MUSTARD FAMILY


Smelowskia after Timotheus Smelowski, 19th-century Russian botanist


americana for 'American, of America'
Photo location: From a couple locations near the WLT and First Burroughs Mtn. trail.