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Corallorhiza maculata

Spotted Coralroot

Spotted Coralroot
Another striking saprophyte of the dense woods sending up smooth fleshy stems from 8″ – 18″ (10 – 45 cm). An open, spike-like raceme of 10 -30 flowers occupies the upper 1/2 to 1/3 of the yellow-brown stem. Distinctive for the magenta spots on the white lip. Three reddish sepals and two upper petals arch over and around the lower lip. The stamens and style are united to form a yellow column which curves over the lip, actually a third petal. Uncommon, usually in drier places than C. mertensiana, to 4,000′ elevation.


Orchidaceae - ORCHID FAMILY


Corallorhiza means 'coral-like roots'


maculata means 'spotted'
Photo location: WLT near Nickel Creek.