Maianthemum stellatum

Starry False Solomon's Seal

Starry False Solomon's Seal
aka Starry False Lily-of-the-Valley, Star-flowered Solomon’s Seal, Solomonplume, Wild Spikenard, Smilacina stellata. Much smaller and more common than M. racemosum with stems of 1′ – 2′ (30 – 60 cm). Although the leaves are fairly large, up to 6″, the starry flowers are small and few in number in a short widely spaced cluster at the end of the stem. Blooms from May to July with greenish berries with three purple stripes forming in the fall. Often found in dense colonies in valley bottoms, moist forests and open woods to 4,000′ elevation.




Maianthemum means 'May flower' in reference to early blooming


stellatum means 'set with stars'
Photo location: Carbon River Road near Green Lake trailhead and WLT/Nickel Creek.