Viola glabella

Stream Violet

aka Smooth Violet, Pioneer Violet, Yellow Wood Violet. The stems can rise 8″ – 12″ (20 – 30 cm), although sources vary on this – those in Rainier seem quite low. There are one to three flowers per stem and are small, a little over 1/2″, with two upper and two lateral petals which overlap and a separate larger lower petal. The blossom attracts flying insects with pretty purple guide lines on the lower three petals and white beards on the lateral two. Very common in moist woods, streambanks, up to 5,000′ elevation.




Viola is Latin for violet


glabella means 'smooth' (glabrous, leaves neither waxy or sticky)
Photo location: From several locations including WLT near Longmire, Comet Falls trail, Carbon River entrance (old ranger station).