Lupinus latifolius var. subalpinus
Subalpine Lupine

aka Lupinus arcticus. Dueling the daisy as perhaps the quintessential flower of the subalpine zone. A sea of blue spread across the open slopes on either side of a subalpine trail is a splendid sight indeed! The rich blue to blue-violet flowers cluster atop hairy stems that range from 6″ – 16″ (15 – 40 cm). Long stalked leaves bear 5 – 7 oblanceolate leaflets which are 1/2″ – 1.25″ long. Occasionally seen in an albino form which may be white or pinkish. Found on open slopes, in meadows and forest openings usually between 5,000′ to 7,000′ elevation.
Fabaceae - PEA FAMILY
Lupinus derived from lupus 'wolf' in reference to devouring the soil
latifolius means 'with broad leaves'