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Trillium ovatum

Western Trillium

Western Trillium
aka Wake Robin. Nearly everything comes in threes for this regal flower: three pearly white petals, 1″ – 2″ (2 – 5 cm), surrounded by three greenish sepals, three broad leaves and sprouting six of beautifully contrasting yellow anthers in its center. With age the petals turn to a wine-purple and variations can be seen on the same trail within a few hundred feet of elevation. Wake-robin refers to its early blooming from March into June (at higher elevations). Commonly seen mostly in shaded moist areas to 5,000′ elevation.




Trillium for 'tri' - three leaves and floral parts in threes


ovatum meaning 'ovate' or egg-shaped referring to the leaves
Photo location: From several locations including Paul Peak trail, WLT/Paradise River, WLT/ Nickel Creek. Boundary trail (Carbon River), Westside Road, and Green Lake trail.