Moneses uniflora


aka Single Delight, One-flowered Wintergreen, Wax-flower, Pyrola uniflora. Simply the most whimsical and delightful flower in the forest. As one lays down to examine closely you expect a Nome to pop out and ask you how you like his lawn ornament. It is a small plant, less than 6″ (15 cm) tall with the umbrella like flower nodding nearly straight down. Underneath the single flower is an extraordinary array of parts, a large green ovary and unusual pistel. Fairly rare but worth the effort to find usually in moist forests in humus or on rotting wood to 5,500′ elevation.


Ericaceae - HEATH FAMILY


Moneses from monos, 'single', and hesis, 'delight'


uniflora means 'one flower'
Photo location: Green Lake trail within .25 mi. from the trailhead.