It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. David Giblin, collections manager for the University of Washington Herbarium, in the production of the third edition of Alpine Flowers of Mount Rainier.
Thirteen species have been added bringing the total to 121 flowers commonly found above the timberline. New features include elevation zone designations, ecological notes, photo tips and suggested hikes and walks to view wildflowers. We hope that this new and improved guide will be even a greater resource for further appreciation of the splendor of Rainier’s flowers of the subalpine meadows and higher elevations.

The guide is available at the gift shops and visitor centers in the Park as well as some outlets in the Seattle area including the Burke Museum, Whittaker Mountaineering shop in Ashford and at Wapiti Outdoors in Greenwater. Online purchases can be made through Discover Your Northwest and the Washington Native Plant Society
Proceeds will support the Herbarium’s field research and education outreach activities. We are most appreciative of user reactions after use in the field and receiving comments and suggestions for future improvements. Please direct them to